Thursday, May 1, 2008

Getting "Schooled" - Part 1

Even as adults we continue to learn. As a leader in the outdoor fitness industry, I have to make sure to stay on top of new techniques, laws and trends to keep everyone that I educate operating at the highest level. This goes for my boot camp instructors and licensees, too.

But sometimes we forget that often the best lessons are the ones we already learned. So let's go to study hall...

Several months ago, I posted about the trials of breaking campers up into groups in my Picking the Team post. Yesterday at the boot camp workout, we saw the true reality of what happens when someone feels that they are in the wrong group. They feel dejected, like less of a person and even depressed. As their coaches, we can avoid this. First by doing a better job of breaking up the group. It is my job as the lead instructor to be aware of every single detail of every person's personality - especially my clients that have been working with me for several months. I need to know they want that extra push and I need to know when to give it to them. As a support instructor or the instructor leading the group for the day, you can also help. Support instructors can challenge that person to go faster to run an extra lap or do perform a more advanced level of the exercise. Leaders can see that one client is faster or stronger or needs a great push and can group that person with the other clients that are at the top range of the group. But we must be aware that we will make mistakes from time to time and that is how we learn.


Class dismissed...

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