Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The choices we make

Every day each of us makes some type of choice. Some choices are good, some are not so good. In boot camp, sometimes it is the difference between choosing to have a good attitude and choosing to not give up that makes all the difference between whether a camper sees progress or not.

So each day during the session I send out emails and today's email is my favorite because it is about making the choice to be positive and give it your all. In the competitive environment that I face every day as a boot camp owner and with the fitness industry in general, staying positive can often be very difficult. But the email I sent to my campers below says it all.

See for yourself.

Your Choice Today

There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. Denis Waitley

As you continue with what is possibly a new way of life (even if it is only temporary), please try to embrace it. Your instructors were not always leading the pack, but were once in your shoes. We are here to help guide you and to help you learn to make better choices. We understand that you might make a bad choice now and then, and we ask you to understand that we are going to point it out when you do. We question some of your choices to make sure you fully understand what might be new concepts on food and exercise. We are here to help you! So let’s try to look at the following as choices that we consciously make each day:

Please make the choice to be honest in your books, regardless of the extra encouragement that might come with that honesty.

Please make the choice to participate to the fullest in all the workouts. Sometimes you get tired or sore, but try to push through that and use the energy of the other campers and the instructors to help you.

Please make the choice to engage the help of an instructor when you need it. If you have a question, ask! We want to help you!

Remember, where you started…

"Right now you are one choice away from a new beginning - one that leads you toward becoming the fullest human being you can be." Oprah Winfrey

…you have already made this choice!

This is where you should be each day…

"Your decision to be, have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well. Sometimes your greatest asset is simply your ability to stay with it longer than anyone else." Brian Tracy

And don’t forget this about your choice to join this program and start down a new path to a healthy and fit lifestyle:

It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
Anthony Robbins

See you soon! Make the choice to be there, be on time and have a great attitude!

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