Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Day in the Life of The American Boot Camp Company Owner

If owning your own business and being your own boss was easy, everyone would be doing it. But owning and operating a business is an even bigger challenge. For all those that think I workout all day and have fun, here you go.

4:55AM - Alarm sounds. Roll over and hit snooze
5:00AM - Alarm sounds. Grab cell phone and head to get dressed, brush my teeth and get to camp. I also check the weather on my cell phone and by opening the door to my deck.
5:18AM - Take dog out and feed.
5:20AM - Head to studio to pick up equipment/print updated attendance sheet

5:28AM - Head to Blackburn Park to daily Boot Camp Workout
5:33AM - Begin taking attendance and welcoming each client as they arrive.
5:40AM - Support Instructors arrive and help with daily nutritional counseling. I continue to take attendance and check food logs as I can.
5:55AM - Daily meeting with instructors to review upcoming workout and their rolls.
6:00AM - Workout begins!

6:00AM-6:45AM - FUN

6:45-6:50AM - Return to car and extra credit
6:55AM-7:30AM - Daily post boot camp coffee at Starbucks

8:00-8:45AM - Get ready for my day job - running the sales and marketing of The American Boot Camp Company.
9AM - Arrive at the office and check email.

9AM - Breakfast: dannon lite and fit yogurt and Nature's Path optimum granola. 1/2 cup of pineapple.

9AM-10AM - Return emails, correspond with instructors, current month boot campers and follow up with clients that didn't attend the workout and didn't let me know ahead of time.
10AM - meet with Katie, my assistant, and get her started on a new project with constant contact email and with updating my office files.
10:15AM - follow up with Team in Training about an upcoming event.
10:17AM - contact web/ad designer about printing more brochures for upcoming conference
10:20AM - contact my SCW Fitness contact about shipping manuals for certification from Atlanta rather than paying shipping costs twice. Follow up with her on outstanding invoice for teaching in February.
10:20- Mid Morning Snack - banana and almonds

10:30AM - Begin to process quarterly taxes. Pay March payroll taxes online and print out all Q1 forms. Write checks for state taxes paid quarterly. Fill out new employee forms and enter newest employee into quickbooks.

11:30AM - Check emails and return important messages. Organize upcoming instructor continuing education series for Q2, organize New Licensee email newsletter education series and make list for questions for Tara and Katie to address via email later.

12:15PM - Return sales calls to potential licensee in South Carolina and followup with new sign ups for Chastain PM and East Cobb.

12:30PM - Update homepage on the website with new information about upcoming Big Peach 5K. Remember to contact Todd about race bags.

12:45PM - Get ready for Junior League Fashionist Week where we give all Junior Leaguers 20% off boot camp and studio. Note in day planner to update Tara and Courtney on details.

1PM - Meeting with sales rep from SKIRT magazine to work on 3rd Quarter 2008-3rd Quarter 2009 budget and strategy. Looking to get rates and added value.

All this before lunch...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stop it! I thought you just went home to bed after camp and Starbucks every day! ;)